Trust - The Most Valuable and Fragile Currency in the World
Trust has been discussed from all kinds of perspectives as it relates to all types of relationships in all kinds of contexts. In the...

Rethinking Tourism and The Art of Living Together
Just over a week ago, the 27th of September was World Tourism Day, the special day dedicated by the United Nations to observe and...

WTM 2021 - looking at and doing travel and tourism in new ways
The World Travel Market – WTM London is taking place soon at the beginning of November. It will once again bring together travel...

2021 - Peace and Trust & Peaceful Coexistence
Here we are, into 2021, with more challenges ahead and peaceful coexistence of major concern. The nomination of 2021 as the International...

That is What We Do in Our Culture
It is not uncommon these days to hear reference made to culture. In fact the word culture has become a buzzword in all kinds of contexts,...

The Joy of Travel and the Art of Living Together
With an ever-growing number of people able to travel globally, the ‘Joy of Travel’ has become an ever more sought-after aspiration, if...

Tourists Behaving Badly
Increasingly stories in all kinds of media about tourists from around the world behaving badly are making global headlines. One of the...

We Are All Travellers
Yesterday I was talking to a friend about her moving to another country as part of a career promotion. She expressed her excitement yet...

Travel and Happiness
Travel for most of us stirs up images of happy times and happy memories whatever these may be and mean for each of us as individuals, as...

Welcome to The Cultural Angle
Welcome to my website www.theculturalangle.com. I have set up The Cultural Angle as a boutique consultancy to encourage greater critical...